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Time to address today’s learning crisis

Every May, an alert on my phone nudges me to purchase carnations for my former political science teachers, Prof Lee and Prof Kim. Three decades after I last sat in their classrooms, I wonder if they would still recognise the name written on the tag. But sending my flowers on South Korea’s National Teachers Day is the least I can do to thank them for paving the way for my career as a diplomat.
From the wai kru ceremonies in Thailand to appreciation events in Laos and Cambodia, all Asean countries set aside days for current and former students to honour teachers with flowers, traditional dances and gestures of respect. These rituals are important, but World Teachers’ Day, on Oct 5, should remind us that genuine respect for educators must go beyond perennial displays of appreciation like the carnations I send to address the roots of the learning crisis that grips our region. Even before Covid-19, 128 million young people in the Asia-Pacific were out of school. Millions more students are at risk of dropping out — particularly those from marginalised communities. Even for those in school, the outlook is alarming: half are expected to leave without basic literacy and numeracy skills.
The learning crisis has many causes, but among the most significant is a shortfall in quality teachers. Unesco’s latest global report on teacher shortages found that only 78 of the world’s 197 countries are expected to have enough teachers for universal primary education by 2030, with only 30 out of 187 countries on track to meet teacher recruitment targets at the secondary level. Although Unesco estimates that 31 million more secondary school teachers and 13 million more primary school teachers are needed by 2030, educators are rapidly leaving the profession. Retaining them and attracting new ones means ensuring teachers have a meaningful role in shaping the policies that govern their work.
Teachers on the Front Lines
Teachers stand at the front lines of the education system, witnessing firsthand how policies affect students. Their deep understanding of classroom realities allows them to see the impact of these policies in ways that administrators or policymakers may not.
One example is Sengphet Khounpasert, an ethnic Khmu teacher in Laos who was recognised by the Princess Maha Chakri Award Foundation as an outstanding teacher in Asean. In 2022, Ms Sengphet told Unesco that working intimately with the community around her school enables her to reassure parents worried about their daughters travelling for education, boost girls’ confidence in STEM subjects and sports, and help boys appreciate the importance of gender equality. “One of the approaches I use is to participate in activities organised by the village committees,” Ms Sengphet said. “This way, I can gain access to students and parents, as well as the community.”
Another is Janwan, a Thai educator of Karen ethnicity who teaches at a school in Tak province where many students are from ethnic minority backgrounds. She says that because many of her students cannot write Thai consonants correctly, she gives them one-on-one coaching to ensure they do not fall behind. “My method may be a bit time-consuming. But if it allows children to learn well, I’m willing to invest the time and I’ll continue doing it,” she told Unesco.
Teachers like Ms Sengphet and Ms Janwan know what works best in their classrooms and have the insights to shape education policies that directly address the diverse needs of students. Yet all too often, their voices are excluded. On average, across OECD countries, only 14% of teachers say that policymakers value their view, and only 24% of teachers believe they can influence education policy.
Promising Practices from Laos
Unesco Bangkok works across the Asia-Pacific to support educators through training, advocacy and policy advice. One key area of focus is improving teachers’ digital literacy.
As the pandemic demonstrated, technology is a lifeline for education. However, many teachers are not adequately equipped to integrate digital tools into their teaching. According to the OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey in 2018, only 56% of lower secondary school teachers in the 48 participating education systems had received training in the use of ICT as part of their formal education or training.
In Laos, where the need for digital skills in education is particularly pressing, Unesco’s Capacity Development for Education programme has empowered educators to develop ICT courses and teaching modules that align with the national ICT competency standards for teachers, fostering student teachers’ digital competencies. By equipping future educators with the ability to create and use practical, flexible and context-specific ICT tools, CapED is cultivating a new generation of teachers who can effectively navigate the digital landscape. Key to the programme’s success is its commitment to incorporating teachers’ voices into the development process.
While the efforts in Laos are promising, they highlight an issue that extends beyond a single country — teachers across the Asia-Pacific need their voices to be heard at every level of policymaking. This was a key takeaway from the 6th Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030, organised by Unesco in collaboration with Unicef, where more than 200 education experts from 30 countries in the region gathered in Bangkok last month. As they return to their countries, the recommendation they bring to education ministries is clear: teachers must be at the centre of policymaking discussions if we are to overcome the challenges facing our education systems.
From Carnations to Conversations
World Teachers’ Day is an opportunity to reflect on the dedication of teachers who go above and beyond for their students. But true respect for teachers means valuing their insights as well as their dedication to their work.
Shouldn’t the appreciation we express through annual ceremonies be matched by genuine engagement in educational reforms? The voices of teachers who understand their students’ needs better than anyone deserve to be heard not just in their classrooms, but in every policy discussion. If we are serious about addressing the learning crisis, it’s time we treat teachers not just as implementers of policy but as co-creators. Their expertise should guide educational reforms from the ground up, shaping an inclusive system that works for all students.
Soohyun Kim is the Regional Director of the Unesco Regional Office in Bangkok and Representative to Thailand, Myanmar, Lao PDR and Singapore.
